The Jetty Gallery

The Jetty Gallery

Jamie Louise McIntosh

"I am driven by curiosity and colour. Experimentation and the unknown are key to my work. Which I think is quite handy considering ceramics can be extremely unpredictable. You are never certain that what you put in the kiln will emerge intact or in pieces or if the colour will be what you planned but I have always enjoyed surprises so I tend not to mind.

I develop through making and find getting stuck into an idea and trying it out as the most advantageous way for me to work, maybe with a few doodles along the way. I also find that writing everything down like processes and ideas can help.

I love colour, despite working with predominantly white pieces I love exploring how colour can alter ceramic works. Experimentation with glazes is a major part of my day to day work in my studio and I’m always trying out a new variation of a glaze to get the best colour."