The Jetty Gallery

The Jetty Gallery

Jane Smith

Although Colonsay and Oronsay are only 2 hours by ferry from Oban, many people have never visited these islands. Argyll artist Jane Smith, has spent the last four years travelling there on short trips, to paint. She was so impressed with the rich wildlife that she found there, that she has produced a book to share her experience with others. Artwork from the book is now on sale at the Jetty gallery.

"I was lucky enough to stay on Oronsay with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds," explained Jane. "Their management of the island allows traditional Hebridean wildlife to flourish, and there was so much for me to draw; characterful red-billed Choughs, beautiful hay meadows where the rare Corncrakes nest, and Grey Seals breeding on the shores."

Before moving to Argyll twenty years ago, Jane used to make wildlife films all over the world. " I saw so much mistreatment of the natural world that I was delighted to find this wild island on my doorstep, where there was such a good-news conservation story." Her book is full of colourful artwork and amusing stories of island life.